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How I manifested a Girl's Trip to Costa Rica


While sitting by the pool of my villa in Costa Rica, admiring the breathtaking view, I took some time to reflect on the goals I had set for this year. I thought to myself, "This is exactly what I prayed for." I felt overwhelmed with gratitude that what was once just a vision ten months ago is now my reality.

I strongly believe in the power of writing down goals and creating vision boards. This method has helped me manifest almost all of my desires. In today's newsletter, I'll be sharing some of my top tips for turning your visions into reality.


The Power of Intention

Everything that exists today was created because someone intended for it to be here. Nothing is random; it all starts with a clear intention. When I first thought about taking a girl’s trip, it wasn’t just a fleeting idea; I knew I wanted it to happen. I set my intentions clearly: a meaningful trip with the right group of people in a beautiful location that would create memories I’d cherish.

But intention alone isn't enough. You need to attach purpose and clarity to it. What exactly do you want? Who do you want to experience it with? How do you want to feel during this experience? The clearer your intentions, the more powerful they become.


The Power of Faith

Faith and manifestation are deeply intertwined, but there’s a key difference. Manifestation involves bringing something you desire into your life through belief and action, but faith gives the process a source—a divine energy greater than yourself. For me, that source is God (and that's on big G God, just so there's no confusion).

Faith requires surrender. You trust that, even when you don’t see how it will all come together, it will. With this trip, I prayed and trusted that God would make a way. Faith is not just about believing in what’s possible—it’s about believing in the One who makes it possible. While manifestation focuses on the outcome, faith grounds you in the process. It reminds you that you're not doing it alone.


The Power of Writing

Writing down your goals gives them life. At the start of this year, I wrote in my journal that I wanted to take a girl's trip. I didn’t know where we would go or even who I’d be travelling with, but I knew I wanted it to happen. Putting that desire in writing made it real.

Writing is an act of commitment. It takes what’s in your mind and solidifies it into something you can see, touch, and return to as a reminder of your focus. Each time I revisited that page, I saw my intention written in ink, and it pushed me to make decisions aligned with that vision.


The Power of Visualization

Visualization is one of the most powerful tools I use. For this trip, I created a vision board and placed a picture of women having fun in a tropical destination to convey the feeling of deep friendship I wanted to experience. Every time I looked at that board, I could feel myself there, surrounded by friends, laughing and enjoying life.

Visualization isn’t about wishful thinking. It’s about mentally and emotionally preparing yourself to experience what you desire. When you can clearly see yourself living your vision, you start to believe it’s possible—and that belief drives you to take the necessary actions to make it happen.

The Power of Words

Words are incredibly powerful; they shape our reality. The Bible says, "Life and death are in the power of the tongue." I spoke this trip into existence through faith and prayer. I prayed for the right group of friends, the right destination, and for the opportunity to make it happen.

When I talked about it with others, I didn’t say “if” it happens—I said when it happens. This wasn’t just positive thinking; it was speaking from a place of faith. Words backed by faith carry authority, and I used that power to call this trip into existence.


The Power of Action

Dreams without action remain just that—dreams. I knew I couldn’t just go on a girl's trip with anybody. It had to be with people I genuinely enjoyed spending time with. So, I made it a point to be intentional with my friendships. I started going out more with friends and connecting with people on a deeper level. I made an effort to be around the type of women I wanted to travel with.

By doing this, the conversation about a trip happened naturally, without me forcing it. It all fell into place, but only because I put myself out there. I took action, and that action paved the way for the manifestation.


The Power of Planning

Manifestation isn’t magic—it requires strategy. I knew that in order to travel, I needed to save. So I created a sinking fund called "Girl's Trip" long before I knew who or where I’d be travelling to. I set aside money specifically for this goal, even when the trip felt like a distant possibility.

Planning gave me the freedom to say yes when the opportunity came. It took away the stress and made the entire process feel seamless. Whether it’s saving money, blocking out time in your calendar, or coordinating with others—planning is a crucial part of making any vision come to life.


The Power of Gratitude

Now, sitting in Costa Rica, I am reminded of the power of gratitude. I shared with my friends during breakfast that this trip had been on my vision board for months. I expressed my deep appreciation for how they made the experience fun and beautiful. It wasn’t just the destination that made it special, but the people I got to share it with.

Gratitude isn’t just reserved for when things go perfectly. I thanked God throughout the entire process, trusting that it would happen even before it did. Being thankful attracts more of what you’re grateful for, and that’s exactly what happened for me.


I hope these tips inspire you to go after your own dreams with intention, faith, and action. Remember, your visions can become your reality—you just need to believe, speak, plan, and work toward them.

Here’s to manifesting your next adventure, and as they say in Costa Rica, Pura Vida!


What I'm reading

I am currently reading "We Should All Be Millionaires" by Rachel Rodgers – My biggest takeaway from this book is how Rachel differentiates between millionaire decisions and broke-ass decisions. Millionaire decisions focus on long-term growth, investing in yourself, and making bold, strategic moves. In contrast, broke-ass decisions come from a place of fear, scarcity, and short-term thinking. This book inspired me to shift my mindset and make choices that align with abundance and wealth.


This week, write down one big goal and create a visual representation of it, either with a vision board or a simple sketch. Set a reminder to revisit it daily for the next month.


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Sinking Fund

A savings strategy where you set aside money in small increments for a specific goal, like a future trip, so the expense doesn’t feel overwhelming when it arrives.


Costa Rica Fun Fact:

Costa Rica is known as a Blue Zone, a region where people live significantly longer, healthier lives. The secret lies in their lifestyle, which promotes community, physical activity, and a slow, friendly pace of life. During my trip, I truly appreciated this tranquil atmosphere, which contributed to a sense of peace and joy in my experience.

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